Everybody's Somebody's Satan


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Less Love

Less Love

Less Love

"an anthem to the revolution of the disenfranchised"

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Less Love Is Bringing Sexy Back

Less Love BSB

The band describes their sound as “90s rock which was 70s pop.” But the influences run deeper than that. Less Love conjures the spirit of both eras as well as any other of rock’s glory-days gone past. Their new single Snow White Trash is an amalgam of styles from the past 50 years, but this isn’t a campy, nostalgic display. Less Love isn’t putting on a Saturday afternoon performance for little kids and senior citizens. They have accumulated what they love and given us something new. - MusicVideoStars.Com

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Less Love

A blind review of our new single. He offers some great insight into modern rock.

Less Love Ritz

"LESS LOVE’s new single “Snow White Trash” is a crass but effective protest to the rising concern about bigotry in the United States."

LESS LOVE, the world’s longest lockdown, & the death of Rock n Roll.

Less Love Poster

Analyzing the new style Sky explains, “Something happened to Rock music. It lost its balls. Today the closest thing we have to Rock music is pitch-perfect nonsense that has no soul. A few years ago the band Imagine Dragons won a Best Rock Grammy which proved Rock is dead. Then a few months later Billboard gave Lorde a Best Rock award which proved God is dead. LESS LOVE was always supposed to be a bunch of angry screaming. It just never came out that way. This is where we were meant to be all along. It just took us a long time to get here.”

The first endeavor in this new direction is the band’s recent single “Snow White Trash (Trump’s Americans).” A hard-hitting response to the growing racial tension in the United States, - London Post

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